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Project Description
Stickley style Open Night Stand - #89-0909
I haven't actually built these night stands yet...
I will start building the night stands in March, but I have spent a great deal of time modeling them in Google Sketchup. This may be the first time I completely modeled a project before cutting any wood, and I have to say that it's been beneficial in a number of ways:
I now have complete set of assembly and dimensioned drawings.
I was able to work out some design issues without experimenting on wood - saving time and materials.
I can accurately calcutate the amount of materials I'll need to complete the project.
This project will be one of my most thorough and detailed projects to date. The drawings alone are a cut above most of my previous plans. I'm excited about doing this project on video for myself and you, the viewer (not to mentioned my wife, who has been waiting patiently for 3+ years).
I took the liberty of simplifying the design of these night stands, thus they differ from the authentic version slightly. I am constructing these night stands much like a kitchen cabinet - a carcuss, a face frame, and a recessed back.
I would like to thank Bob at for his help with the dimensions on these night stands. Bob measured an original piece at the Stickley store and made some very nice reproductions himself.
Here's a picture of the night stand as offered by Stickley Today:
One of the nice things about the design of this night stand, is that a three-drawer counterpart would easy to adapt: